长期从事桥梁健康监测、振动控制及桥梁抗震等方向的教学和科研工作。在桥梁结构监测研究方向上,提出了桥梁网络监测与评估体系、以及混合监测、移动监测等新方法和理论,改善了传统监测系统测点信息不足和造价过高的技术瓶颈,推动了大数据方法在桥梁健康监测领域中的应用。在结构振动控制方向上,长期坚持拉索减振理论研究和装置研发,构建了超长斜拉索非线性阻尼器设计理论及阻尼装置性能评价方法。在大跨桥梁抗震方向上,开展了大跨深水基础索承重桥梁抗震设计理论及试验研究,提出了大跨深水基础索承重桥梁地震响应的系统分析方法并集成了计算软件平台,建立了主跨为1400 m斜拉桥的benchmark模型及全桥试验数据库,研究成果为重大桥梁工程抗震设计提供了技术手段。
图. 桥梁网级评估技术示意图
在基础设施建设和正常运营阶段,对基础设施关键性态进行监测和预测并在严重变形时发出预警,防患于未然,是具有重要工程意义的工作。同济大学团队基于广州地铁在建项目大规模性态监测数据,建立了针对在建车站基坑及支护变形的智能预测框架及多通道多步预测模型。首先采用分步聚类方法,用层次聚类对监测物理量进行聚类,之后基于监测点空间分布特征和监测数据时间维度上的相似性,使用K-means对测点进行时空聚类。然后,建立基于经验模态分解(EMD)和长短期记忆神经网络(LSTM)的集成模型,并进一步构建基于分步聚类(Stepwise clustering)和Transformer的多通道多步预测模型,通过将数据重组成多维时间序列输入神经网络模型,得到多测点未来多步预测值。该方法有效挖掘监测数据特征,并且利用多测点信息进行联合预测,可实现多测点未来多步变形的准确预测。
桥梁结构监测是支撑在疫桥梁安全运维的重要技术手段,监测数据的扩充、分析和信息提取是提升该技术有效性之关键。孙利民团队基于多座大跨度桥梁及城市桥梁群长期监测数据,结合数字化及人工智能手段,研发了异常数据清洗、残错数据修复、多源数据融合等技术手段,提升了监测数据质量,打破了多源数据间的壁垒;提出了将监测数据与有限元分析相结合的混合监测理论,丰富了数据种类,改善了数据完备性;建立了交通流、温度等运营环境荷载作用模型及不完备信息下结构响应求解方法并初步建立了用于在疫桥梁运维养护的数字孪生模型。研究成果在《Structural Control & Health Monitoring》等国际杂志发表多篇论文,并应用于桥梁健康与安全状态评估。
50. Di, FD (Di, Fangdian) ; Sun, LM (Sun, Limin) ; Chen, L (Chen, Lin) ; Zou, YQ (Zou, Yiqing) ; Qin, L (Qin, Lei) ; Huang, ZQ (Huang, Zhiquan), Frequency and damping of hybrid cable networks with cross-ties and external dampers: Full-scale experiments, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2023 查看PDF
49. Chen, L (Chen, Lin) ; Liu, ZH (Liu, Zhanhang) ; Zou, YQ (Zou, Yiqing) ; Wang, M (Wang, Meng); Nagarajaiah, S (Nagarajaiah, Satish) ; Sun, FF (Sun, Feifei) ; Sun, LM (Sun, Limin) , Practical negative stiffness device with viscoelastic damper in parallel or series configuration for cable damping improvement, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023 查看PDF
48. Chen, L (Chen, Lin) [1] ; Xia, Y (Xia, Ye) [1] ; Di, FD (Di, Fangdian) [5] ; Zhang, GQ (Zhang, Guoquan) [1] ; Li, XL (Li, Xiaolong) [3] ; He, TT (He, Tiantao) ; Sun, LM (Sun, Limin), Dynamic modeling and analysis of hanger cables with spacers and dampers for vibration mitigation, Structures, 2023 查看PDF
47. Gong, FZ (Gong, Fengzong); Lei, XM (Lei, Xiaoming) ; Xia, Y (Xia, Ye), Real-time damage identification of hinge joints in multi-girder bridges using recursive least squares solution of the characteristic equation, Engineering Structures, 2023 查看PDF
46. Lei, Xiaoming; Xia, Ye; Wang, Ao; Jian, Xudong; Zhong, Huaqiang; Sun, Limin, Mutual information based anomaly detection of monitoring data with attention mechanism and residual learning, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023 查看PDF
45. Chen, L (Chen, Lin) ; Qin, L (Qin, Lei) ; Di, FD (Di, Fangdian) ; Sun, LM (Sun, Limin); Zou, YQ (Zou, Yiqing) ; Huang, ZQ (Huang, Zhiquan), Full-scale experimental study on dynamic behaviors of a three-cable network with a pretensioned cross-tie, Engineering Structures, 2023 查看PDF
44. Weng, JH (Weng, Jinghang) ; Chen, L (Chen, Lin); Sun, LM (Sun, Limin) ; Zou, YQ (Zou, Yiqing) ; Liu, ZH (Liu, Zhanhang) ; Guo, H (Guo, Hui) , Fully automated and non-contact force identification of bridge cables using microwave remote sensing, Measurement, 2023 查看PDF
43. Liu Zhanghang, Chen Lin, Sun Limin, Zhao Lin, Cui Wei, Multimode damping optimization of a long-span suspension bridge with damped outriggers for suppressing vortex-induced vibrations, Engineering Structures, 2023 查看PDF
42. Jiazeng Shan, Changhao Zhuang, Cheng Ning Loong, Parametric identification of Timoshenko-beam model for shear-wall structures using monitoring data, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023 查看PDF
41. Jiazeng Shan, Luji Wang, Cheng Ning Loong and Zijie Zhou, Rapid seismic performance evaluation of existing frame structures using equivalent SDOF modeling and prior dynamic testing, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2023 查看PDF
40. Jiangmeng Guo, Luji Wang, Jiazeng Shan, Data-driven modeling and prediction on hysteresis behavior of flexure RC columns using deep learning networks, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2023 查看PDF
39. Yang, Bin; Zhu, Haitao; Zhang, Qilin; Wüchner, Roland; Sun, Siyuan; Qiu, Jiahui, Identification of wind loads on a 600 m high skyscraper by Kalman filter, Journal of Building Engineering, 2023 查看PDF
38. Ning Hou, Limin Sun, Lin Chen, 《Modeling vehicle load for a long-span bridge based on weigh in motion data》, Journal of Measurement, 2021 查看PDF
37. Li, Yixian; Huang, Hongwei; Zhang, Wei; Sun, Limin, Structural full-field responses reconstruction by the SVD and pseudo-inverse operator-estimated force with two-degree multi-scale models, Engineering Structures, 2021 查看PDF
36. Xudong Jian, Huaqiang Zhong, Ye Xia, Limin Sun, Faulty data detection and classification for bridge structural health monitoring via statistical and deep-learning approach. , Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2021 查看PDF
35. Ye Xia, Xiaoming Lei, Peng Wang, Limin Sun, Artificial Intelligence Based Structural Assessment for Regional Short- and Medium-Span Concrete Beam Bridges with Inspection Information, Remote Sensing, 2021 查看PDF
34. Hou, Ning; Sun, Limin; Chen, Lin, Modeling vehicle load for a long-span bridge based on weigh in motion data, Measurement, 2021 查看PDF
33. Ao Wang; Zongkai Zhang; Xiaoming Lei; Ye Xia; Limin Sun, All-weather thermal simulation methods for concrete maglev bridge based on structural and meteorological monitoring data, Sensors, 2021 查看PDF
32. Li, Yixian; Zhu, Ledong; Qian, Cheng; Jian, Xudong; Sun, Limin, The time-varying modal information of a cable-stayed bridge: Some consideration for SHM, Engineering Structures, 2021 查看PDF
31. Kai Cheng, Jiazeng Shan and Yuwen Liu, Feature-based image stitching for panorama construction and visual inspection of structures, Smart Structures and Systems, 2021 查看PDF
30. Jiaqiang Wang, Jin Zhao, Yuwen Liu, Jiazeng Shan, Vision-based displacement and joint rotation tracking of frame structure using feature mix with single consumer-grade camera, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2021 查看PDF
29. Yexiang Yan, Ye Xia, Jipeng Yang, Limin Sun, Optimal selection of scalar and vector-valued seismic intensity measures based on Gaussian Process Regression, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022 查看PDF
28. Ye Xia, Xiaoming Lei, Peng Wang, Limin Sun, A data-driven approach for regional bridge condition assessment using inspection reports, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2022 查看PDF
27. 闫业祥; 孙利民, 基于高斯过程回归的桥梁多变量地震易损性分析, 振动与冲击, 2022 查看PDF
26. 孙利民; 狄方殿; 陈林; 邹易清, 考虑垂度影响的拉索-双粘滞阻尼器系统振动分析, 工程力学, 2022 查看PDF
25. Ni, Peng; Li, Yixian; Sun, Limin; Wang, Ao, Traffic-induced bridge displacement reconstruction using a physics-informed convolutional neural network, Computers and Structures, 2022 查看PDF
24. Di, Fangdian; Sun, Limin; Chen, Lin, Optimization of hybrid cable networks with dampers and cross-ties for vibration control via multi-objective genetic algorithm, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022 查看PDF
23. Yang, Jipeng; Xia, Ye; Lei, Xiaoming; Sun, Limin, Hysteretic parameters identification of RC frame structure with Takeda model based on modified CKF method, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2022 查看PDF
22. Yan Yexiang; Huang Hongwei; Sun Limin, Multi-parameter seismic fragility and sensitivity analysis of long-span cable-stayed bridge based on multi-task lasso regression, Structures, 2022 查看PDF
21. Lei, Xiaoming; Xia, Ye; Deng, Lu; Sun, Limin, A deep reinforcement learning framework for life-cycle maintenance planning of regional deteriorating bridges using inspection data, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2022 查看PDF
20. Yan, Yexiang; Huang, Hongwei; Sun, Limin, Multivariate structural seismic fragility analysis and comparative study based on moment estimation surrogate model and Gaussian copula function, Engineering Structures, 2022 查看PDF
19. Li, Yixian; Ni, Peng; Sun, Limin; Zhu, Wang, A convolutional neural network-based full-field response reconstruction framework with multitype inputs and outputs, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2022 查看PDF
18. Li, Yixian; Sun, Limin; Zhu, Wang; Zhang, Wei, A dynamic stiffness-based framework for harmonic input estimation and response reconstruction considering damage, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2022 查看PDF
17. Luo, Lanxin; Xia, Ye; Wang, Ao; Lei, Xiaoming; Jian, Xudong; Sun, Limin, Finite element model updating method for continuous girder bridges using monitoring responses and traffic videos, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2022 查看PDF
16. Lei, Xiaoming; Xia, Ye; Komarizadehasl, Seyedmilad; Sun, Limin, Condition level deteriorations modeling of RC beam bridges with U-Net convolutional neural networks, Structures, 2022 查看PDF
15. Lei, Xiaoming; Xia, Ye; Dong, You; Sun, Limin, Multi-level time-variant vulnerability assessment of deteriorating bridge networks with structural condition records, Engineering Structures, 2022 查看PDF
14. Jian, Xudong; Xia, Ye; Sun, Limin, Indirect identification of bridge frequencies using a four-wheel vehicle: Theory and three-dimensional simulation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022 查看PDF
13. Sun, Limin; Chen, Lin; Huang, Hongwei, Stay cable vibration mitigation: A review, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2022 查看PDF
12. Chen Lin; Liu Zhanhang; Nagarajaiah Satish; Sun Limin;, Vibration mitigation of long-span bridges with damped outriggers, Engineering Structures, 2022 查看PDF
11. Shang, Zhiqiang; Xia, Ye; Chen, Lin Z.; Sun, Limin, Damping ratio identification using attenuation responses extracted by time series semantic segmentation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022 查看PDF
10. Jian, Xudong; Xia, Ye; Sun, Shouwang; Sun, Limin, Integrating bridge influence surface and computer vision for bridge weigh-in-motion in complicated traffic scenarios, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2022 查看PDF
9. Jian, Xudong; Lai, Zhilu; Xia, Ye; Sun, Limin, A robust bridge weigh-in-motion algorithm based on regularized total least squares with axle constraints, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2022 查看PDF
8. Li, Yixian; Sun, Limin; Xia, Yong; Luo, Lanxin; Wang, Ao; Jian, Xudong, General Tikhonov regularization-based load estimation of bridges considering the computer vision-extracted prior information, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2022 查看PDF
7. Nan Gong, Peizhen Li, Jiazeng Shan, Aftershock performance evaluation of shear wall structures with replaceable coupling beam including low-cycle degradation, Structures, 2022 查看PDF
6. Jiazeng Shan, Zhi Jiang, Weichao Wu, Zhiguo Shi, Feasibility of using self-sensing component and response prediction model for rotation monitoring of shear wall structures, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2022 查看PDF
5. Zhiguo Shi, Cheng Ning Loong and Jiazeng Shan, Equivalent circuit model of eddy current damping regarding frequency-dependence with test validation, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2022 查看PDF
4. Jiazeng Shan, Yijie Gong, Jie Liu, Weixing Shi and Hanqing Zhang, Damage tracking and evaluation of RC columns with structural performances by using seismic monitoring data, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2022 查看PDF
3. Runze Yu, Peizhen Li, Jiazeng Shan, Hongtao Zhu, Structural state estimation of earthquake-damaged building structures by using UAV photogrammetry and point cloud segmentation, Measurement, 2022 查看PDF
2. Yang, Bin; Pan, Licheng; Zhu, Haitao; Sun, Siyuan; Zhang, Qilin, Spatiotemporal correlation analysis of the dynamic response of supertall buildings under ambient wind conditions, Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2022 查看PDF
1. 徐洪俊; 吴杰; 张锦东; 杨森; 张其林, 参数识别的改进Bayesian TDD-FFT方法及其应用, 建筑结构学报, 2022 查看PDF