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长期从事大气辐射与遥感研究,曾荣获德国“洪堡学者”和日本学术振兴会海外特别研究员两项国际人才项目、清华大学—浪潮集团计算地球科学青年人才奖(2019年、全国3人)、国际摄影测量与遥感协会大气环境遥感工作组授予的大气环境遥感与协同分析研讨会青年学者奖(2018年、全国1人)、上海市浦江(A类)人才计划(2020年)、江苏省“333人才工程”中青年科学技术带头人(2018年)、江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人(2019年)。目前担任科技部重点研发课题组长,共主持3项国家自然科学基金,共计发表或录用SCI(E)论文59篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI(E)论文39篇,ESI高被引论文1篇,获国家发明专利1项,论文成果受到国际顶级平流层辐射学家、英国皇家学会会士K.P. Shine教授及国际大气辐射学家、原国际辐射委员会主席Teruyuki Nakajima教授等人的广泛引用并给予正面评价。















图. 数据集制作流程图及ANN模型结构


图. 沙尘气溶胶识别结果与CALIPSO观测、沙尘产品的对比






图. DeepNTL模型对夜间灯光数据进行30年的细粒度重构



       微波辐射传输模拟的准确度会直接影响卫星资料同化和定量遥感反演精度。张峰团队建立了平面平行大气下的红外微波矢量辐射传输方案POLDDA (Polarized Discrete ordinate adding Approximation)。采用离散纵标法求解包含多次散射项的单层微波矢量辐射传输方程;在离散纵标空间中同时处理I和Q分量(图5)。Chandrasekhar的不变性原理用于处理多层辐射传输过程,该累加过程对单层大气光学厚度没有限制。在不同的大气条件下,不同流数设置下,评估了POLDDA的计算精度和效率。结果表明,对于I和Q分量,POLDDA(使用32或16流)和标准值(32流RT3)之间的相对误差可以忽略不计。8流POLDDA的精度略有下降,但仍优于8流RT3。POLDDA计算效率远高于RT3,尤其是在光学厚度和流数(≥16流)较大的情况下。与RT3不同的是,POLDDA的计算耗时不会随着光学厚度的增加而增加(图6)。该成果于2022年在《Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer》杂志发表题为“Polarized discrete ordinate adding approximation for infrared and microwave radiative transfer”的论文。


图. 矢量微波辐射传输的不变性原理示意图

2022张峰成果照片5.png图. 计算时间(秒)与(a)流数、(b)云层光学厚度和(c)云层数的关系




张峰团队通过构建Back Propagation(BP)神经网络算法,拟合云有效粒子半径、云水路径和方差与带平均非对称因子、带平均单次散射反照率、带平均消光系数、带平均勒让德系数的非线性关系。该项研究的特色是在前人考虑云有效半径、云水路径的基础上,增加考虑了方差项,建立四层的神经网络对云光学性质进行参数化,在保证精度的同时极大简化了模式中的计算过程。利用米散射程序计算水云光学性质数据库作为真值,评估基于BP模型模拟的光学性质误差。各个光学参数的平均相对误差均小于1%,平均绝对误差均小于0.002。模拟的光学性质结果与MIE散射计算结果进行相关性分析,由图7可看出相关系数均大于0.999,模型拟合能力良好,后续可以将该模型接入气候模式中,加速辐射过程计算。


图. 水云光学性质模拟结果相关性分析图



       张峰团队建立长波大气吸收模型,模拟大气透过率:基于Hitran2016气体吸收数据库,采用相关K分布方法构建长波(10-3250cm-1)宽带的气体吸收参数化方案——OMCKD方案。该项研究的特色是采用交替映射相关K分布方法,成功分离了同一波段中不同气体的强吸收波数,实现了宽带多气体联合透过率的高效、高精度计算。此外,该项研究通过最优估计方法,确定了各气体的等效吸收系数的修正参数,进一步提高了透过率模拟精度。如图8,在标准大气廓线情况下,OMCKD方案模拟的辐射通量误差不超过0.30 W m-2,加热率误差不超过0.11 K d-1。在工业革命前和二氧化碳加倍情景下,OMCKD模拟的晴空辐射通量和加热率精度均高于国际通用的快速辐射传输模式RRTMG。该成果已提交专利申请,专利申请号为022104772138。


图. OMCKD方案和RRTMG方案的误差廓线。实线为50条廓线的平均误差,阴影区域为95%误差范围。蓝色为OMCKD,橘色为RRTMG。(a)(b)(c)为工业革命前情景下,向下辐射通量密度误差廓线,向上辐射通量密度误差廓线和冷却率误差廓线。(d)(e)(f)与(a)(b)(c)相同,但为二氧化碳加倍情景下。






图. 基于迁移学习的全天候云产品反演流程图


58. Li W, Zhang F, Yu Y, et al., The semi-diurnal cycle of deep convective systems over Eastern China and its surrounding seas in summer based on an automatic tracking algorithm, Climate Dynamics 查看PDF

57. Zhang J, Liu P, Zhang F, et al., Ensemble meteorological cloud classification meets internet of dependable and controllable things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(5): 3323-3330. 查看PDF

56. Zhang Q, Chen Y, Liu Y. , Study on the online detection of atmospheric sulfur via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy,  Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 36(5): 1028-1033. 查看PDF

55. Qu Y, Ji H, Oudray F, et al. , Online composition detection and cluster analysis of Tibetan incense, Optik, 241: 166999 查看PDF

54. Qiong Wu, Yi-Xuan Shou, Lei-Ming Ma, Qifeng Lu, Rui Wang, Estimation of Maximum Hail Diameters from FY-4A Satellite Data with a Machine Learning Method, Optical and Laser Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Composition 查看PDF

53. Xiao H, Zhang F, Shen Z, et al., Classification of weather phenomenon from images by using deep convolutional neural network,  Earth and Space Science, 8(5): e2020EA001604 查看PDF

52. Gao S, Mao J, Zhang W, et al., Atmospheric moisture shapes increasing tropical cyclone precipitation in southern China over the past four decades, Environmental Research Letters, 16(3): 034004 查看PDF

51. Zhang Y, Wu K, Zhang J, et al., Estimating Rainfall with Multi-Resource Data over East Asia Based on Machine Learning,  Remote Sensing, 13(16): 3332 查看PDF

50. Liang Xiangsan, Fen Xu, Yineng Rong, Renhe Zhang, Xu Tang,  Feng Zhang, El Niño Modoki can be mostly predicted more than 10 years ahead of time, Scientific Reports 查看PDF

49. X. San Liang*, An overview of the quantitative causality analysis and causal graph reconstruction based on a rigorous formalism of information flow, 20th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence 查看PDF

48. X. San Liang*, Measuring the importance of individual units in producing the collective behavior of a complex network, Chaos 查看PDF

47. X. San Liang*, Normalized Multivariate Time Series Causality Analysis and Causal Graph Reconstruction, Entropy 查看PDF

46. Lei Wang and Mingfang Ting, Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling Leading to Extended Seasonal Predictability of Summer North Atlantic Oscillation and Boreal Climate, Geophysical Research Letters 查看PDF

45. Runzi Chen, Guokun Dai, Ran Liu, and Lei Wang, Seasonal Influence of the Atmosphere and Ocean on the  Fall Sea Ice Extent in the Barents-Kara Seas, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 查看PDF

44. Lingyun Meng, Jane Liu*, David W. Tarasick, William J. Randel*, Andrea K.Steiner, Hallgeir Wilhelmsen, Lei Wang, Leopold Haimberger, Continuous rise ofthe tropopause in theNorthern  Hemisphere over 1980–2020, SCIENCE ADVANCES:RESEARCH ARTICLE 查看PDF

43. Xulong He, Ruonan Zhang*, Shuoyi Ding and Zhiyan Zuo, Interdecadal Linkage Between the Winter Northern Hemisphere Climate and Arctic Sea Ice of Diverse Location and Seasonality, Frontiers in Earth Science 查看PDF

42. Changlin Chen∗, Guihua Wang, Yunwei Yan and Fengyun Luo, Projected sea level rise on the continental shelves of the China Seas and the dominance of mass contribution, Environmental Research Letters 查看PDF

41. Haixia Xiao, Feng Zhang, Zhongping Shen, Kun Wu, and Jinglin Zhang, Classification of Weather Phenomenon From Images by Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network, Earth and Space Science 查看PDF

40. Wenwen Li, Feng Zhang*, Fengzi Bao , Kun Wu, Jiangnan Li , Peng Zhang, Wei Han, Polarized discrete ordinate adding approximation for infrared and microwave radiative transfer, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 查看PDF

39. Shi Yi-Ning, Wenwen Li, Kun Wu*, Feng Zhang, Qi Chen, A broadband infrared radiative transfer scheme including the effect related to vertically inhomogeneous microphysical properties inside water clouds, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 查看PDF

38. Cui Qian, Zhang Feng, Fu Shaoyun ,Wei Xiaoli*, Ma Yue and Wu Kun, High Spatiotemporal Resolution PM2.5 Concentration Estimation with Machine Learning Algorithm: A Case Study for Wildfire in California, Remote Sensing 查看PDF

37. Lin Han, Zhenglong Li, Jun Li, Feng Zhang, Min Min, W. Paul Menzel, Estimate of daytime single-layer cloud base height from Advanced Baseline Imager measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment 查看PDF

36. Wenwen Li, Feng Zhang*, Han Lin, Xiaoran Chen, Jun Li, and Wei Han, Cloud detection and classification algorithms for Himawari-8 imager measurements based on deep learning, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 查看PDF

35. Zhang, Zhuang, X. San Liang*,, Multiscale interactive processes underlying the heavy rainstorm associated with a landfalling atmospheric river, Atmosphere 查看PDF

34. Liang, X. San*,, The causal interaction between complex subsystems, Entropy 查看PDF

33. Zhang, Yinchen, X. San Liang*, The causal role of South China Sea on the Pacific-North American teleconnection pattern, Climate Dynamics 查看PDF

32. B. Sun*, C. Gao, D. Liang, Z. Liu, and J. Liu, Capability and convergence of linearized invariant-imbedding T-matrix and physical-geometric optics methods for light scattering, Opt. Express 查看PDF

31. Chenxu Gao, Dongbin Liang, Bingqiang Sun*, Jian Liu and Zhaoyuan Liu, Linearized Single-Scattering Property Database for Hexagonal Prism Ice Particles, Remote Sensing 查看PDF

30. YuRui Li, Yang Zhang , YiJun Zhang, and Paul R. Krehbiel, Analysis of the Configuration Relationship Between the Morphological Characteristics of Lightning Channels and the Charge Structure Based on the Localization of VHF Radiation Sources, Geophysical Research Letters 查看PDF

29. Wenjuan Zhang , Yijun Zhang*, Shoujuan Shu , Dong Zheng and Liangtao Xu, Lightning Distribution in Tropical Cyclones Making Landfall in China, Frontiers in Earth Science 查看PDF

28. Chen, G., and W. Wang, Short‐term precipitation prediction for contiguous United States using deep learning, Geophysical Research Letters 查看PDF

27. Rui Lyu, Wei Gao , Yarong Peng , Yijie Qian , Qianshan He, Tiantao Cheng*, Xingna Yu and Gang Zhao* , Fog–Haze Transition and Drivers in the Coastal Region of the Yangtze River Delta, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 查看PDF

26. Xinyao Tan, Bingqiang Sun∗, Guochen Wang, Tiantao Cheng,∗ , Kan Huang, Fang Shen, Consecutive retrieval of aerosol optical depth and total suspended solid concentration in turbid coastal water of Eastern China, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 查看PDF

25. Jiuwei Zhao, Ruifen Zhan , Yuqing Wang, Leishan Jiang, and Xin Huang, A Multiscale-Model-Based Near-Term Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency in the Northern Hemisphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 查看PDF

24.  Junyi Wang, Aifang Gao * , Shaorong Li , Yuehua Liu , Weifeng Zhao , Peng Wang ∗, Hongliang Zhang, Regional joint PM2.5-O3 control policy benefits further air quality improvement and human health protection in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and its surrounding areas, Journal of Environmental Science 查看PDF

23. Hai-Xia Xiao, Xi Liu, Rong Yu, Bin Yao, Feng Zhang, Ya-Qiang Wang, Contributions of internal climate variability in driving global and ocean temperature variations using multi-layer perceptron neural network, Advances in Climate Change Research 查看PDF

22. Wang F., R. Huang, L. Wang, Response of Tropical Convection over the Western Pacific to Stratospheric Polar Vortex during Boreal Winter, International Journal of Climatology 查看PDF

21. Shuiju Long,Xiaoli Wei,et al, Estimating daily ground-level NO2 concentrations over China based on TROPOMI observations and machine learning approach, Atmospheric Environment

20. Xuan Tong, Jingwei Li, Feng Zhang, et al., The deep-learning-based fast efficient nighttime retrieval of thermodynamic phase from Himawari-8 AHI measurements, Geophysical Research Letters 查看PDF

19. Zhao Z, Zhang F, Wu Q, et al., Cloud Identification and Properties Retrieval of the Fengyun-4A Satellite Using a ResUnet Model, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61: 1-18. 查看PDF

18. Yumeng Li, Ruifen Zhan, Jiuwei Zhao, What caused the salient difference in rapid intensification magnitudes of Northwest Pacific tropical cyclones between 1998 and 2010?, Atmospheric Research 查看PDF

17. Zheng-Hang Fu, Ruifen Zhan, Jiuwei Zhao, Yohei Yamada, & Kexin Song, Future Projections of Multiple Tropical Cyclone Events in the Northern Hemisphere in the CMIP6-HighResMIP Models, Geophysical Research Letters 

16. Qing Zhu, Yang Yu, Haixing Gong, Yanyu Wang, Hongli Wang, Weijie Wang, Bo Xu*, Tiantao Cheng*, Spatio-temporal characteristics of particles and ozone synergic pollutions and influence factors in the Yangtze River Delta, Frontiers in Environmental Science 查看PDF

15. Haixing Gong, Yanyu Wang, Guoyin Wang*, Yuqiu Gao, Guo Li, Zexing Kuang, Xianwang Zhuo, Jianrong Bi, Weijie Wang, Tiantao Cheng*, Quantifying the spatial representativeness of carbon flux footprints of a grassland ecosystem in the semi-arid region, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere 查看PDF

14. Yijie Qian, Dongmei Cai *, Miaomiao Zhang, Juntao Huo, Yusen Duan, Tiantao Cheng, Chemical composition, sources and secondary processes of aerosols in a megacity of China, Frontiers in Environmental Science 查看PDF

13. Guoxing Chen , Wei-Chyung Wang, Shixi Yang, Yixin Wang, Feng Zhang, and Kun Wu, A neural network‐based scale‐adaptive cloud‐fraction scheme for GCMs, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 查看PDF

12. 肖海霞,张峰,王亚强,唐飞,郑玉, 基于生成对抗网络和卫星数据的云图临近预报, 应用气象学报 查看PDF

11. Xuan MA, Lei WANG, The Role of Ozone Depletion in the Lack of Cooling in the Antarctic Upper Stratosphere during Austral Winter, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 查看PDF

10. Jiaqi Jin, Feng Zhang, Wenwen Li, Qiong Wu, Linlu Mei, and Lin Chen, A hybrid algorithm for dust aerosol detection: Integrating forward radiative transfer simulations and machine learning, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

9. Jun Li, Feng Zhang, Jia Liu, Wenwen Li, Kun Wu, Shuai Hu, Han Lin, Parameterization of optical properties for liquid cloud droplets containing black carbon based on neural network, Optics Express

8. Xulong He, Ruonan Zhang*, Shuoyi Ding, Qinglong You, and Ziyi Cai, Decadal Changes in the Linkage Between Autumn Sea Ice and the Winter Eurasian Temperature in the 20th Century, Geophysical Research Letters

7. Ziyi Cai, Qinglong You*, Hans W. Chen, Ruonan Zhang*, Interdecadal variability of the warm Arctic-cold Eurasia pattern linked to the Barents oscillation, Atmospheric Research

6. Jingwei Li, Feng Zhang, Wenwen Li, Xuan Tong, BaoXiang Pan, Jun Li, Han Lin, Husi Letu, Farhan Mustafa, Transfer-learing-based approach to retrieve cloud properties using diverse remote sensing datasets, IEEE Transactions of Geoscience and Remote Sensing

5. W. Li, F. Zhang, C. Lu, J. Jin, Y.-N. Shi, Y. Cai, S. Hu, and W. Han, Integrated efficient radiative transfer model named Dayu for simulating the imager measurements in cloudy atmospheres, Optics Express

4. Yue Cai, Feng Zhang, Han Lin, Jiangnan Li, Hua Zhang, Wenwen Li, and Shuai Hu, Optimized Alternate Mapping Correlated K-Distribution Method for Atmospheric Longwave Radiative Transfer, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

3. Fuchang Wang, Xiaobiao Xu, Feng Zhang, and Leiming Ma, Structure of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in Three Generations of Climate Models, Earth and Space Science

2. Jingjing Wang, Tan Tu, Feng Zhang, Fengjiao Shen, Jian Xu, Zhensong Cao, Xiaoming Gao, Stéphane Plus, and Weidong Chen, External-cavity diode laser-based near-infrared broadband laser heterodyne radiometer for remote sensing of atmospheric CO2, Optics Express

1. Xiaoli Wei, Qian Cui et al., Global aerosol typing classification using a new hybrid algorithm utilizing Aerosol Robotic Network data, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics